Spring Cleaning for Your Mouth: 4 Tips for Maintaining Oral Health in Denton

March 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 5:42 pm

woman brushing spring

It’s March—time for spring cleaning! While you’re reorganizing your closets and deep cleaning your rooms, don’t forget another important thing that needs your attention this spring—your mouth. Believe it or not, there are spaces in your mouth where plaque and food particles can accumulate and cause problems for your smile in the long term. By addressing plaque on a regular basis, you can dramatically improve your oral health in Denton. Here are some ways that you can ensure your mouth stays clean and healthy.

Clean Your Mouth

You can’t have spring cleaning without the cleaning aspect! Brushing at least twice and flossing once every day are critical tasks for maintaining your oral health. Plaque forms and hardens quickly, so it is important to perform these habits frequently and consistently. They prevent the bacteria in plaque from having an opportunity to attack your teeth and gums, especially in vulnerable areas, such as between teeth and on the back of your teeth.

Replace Your Toothbrush

Spring cleaning wouldn’t be complete without getting rid of old stuff. Well, you can ditch old toothbrushes. If it’s been a while since you’ve replaced your toothbrush, now is a great time to do so. Every three months, you should start using a new toothbrush so that your teeth can be cleaned in the most efficient way. After 3 months, the bristles can start to fray and become less effective.

Stock Up on Oral Health Products

If your supply of oral health care products is running low after winter, take some time to restock. Make sure you have extra toothbrushes so that you can easily replace them when it’s time—rather than waiting to the last second to buy new ones. Also, having extra tubes of fluoride toothpaste and floss can be helpful as well.

Schedule a Dentist Appointment

Even with the most diligent of oral care at home, plaque can still build up over time. As it hardens, plaque becomes much more difficult to remove and gives harmful bacteria free access to your teeth and gums. At your checkup and cleaning appointment with your dentist in Denton, the hygienist can remove plaque and tartar buildup, stopping oral problems before they have a chance to start. Also, your dentist performs a thorough oral exam to detect any existing problems. These appointments every six months help ensure that you can catch issues during the early stages of development, when it is much easier to treat. If you wait to see a dentist until you notice a problem on your own, it could already have caused damage or require more invasive and expensive treatment.

Tis the season for improving, decluttering, and cleaning. While you tackle these projects this spring, determine whether your mouth could use some freshening up as well. Make any necessary changes to get back on track for your oral health. By implementing these tasks into your life, you can make certain that your smile remains happy, clean, and healthy for many years to come.

About the Practice

At Prime Dentistry, patients of all ages have access to a talented dentist. Dr. Dhiren Ahir graduated from the prestigious New York University College of Dentistry and has over a decade of clinical experience. In his practice, he strive to help their patients avoid dental problems through preventive care. To schedule an appointment with them, you can call (940) 514-0333 or click here.

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