Wisdom Tooth Extractions—Denton, TX
A Smile’s Rite of Passage
For some people, the wisdom teeth appear during their teen years, and for others, it’s not until they are in their mid-twenties. Nonetheless, they tend to cause nothing but problems no matter the person’s age.
That’s why Dr. Ahir is happy to offer wisdom tooth extractions in Denton for patients of all ages. He can keep an eye on these troublesome teeth during regular checkups so he can recommend their removal before they cause any major issues.
But, if they are already creating pain and other problems for you or your teen, we won’t make you wait to get the treatment you need—click here to schedule an appointment right away.
- Dentist with 20+ Years of Experience
- Highly Individualized Dental Treatment
- Accept Many Popular Dental Insurance Plans
What are Wisdom Teeth?

The wisdom teeth are actually our third set of molars, and they tend to (try to) come in between the ages of 16-25.
They were very useful for our caveman ancestors and their rough diets, as they would usually have worn through their other molars by this age. They get their name because they erupt later in life compared to the rest of the teeth when the person should hopefully be wiser.
Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Often, the wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to come in properly, leading to a litany of issues. Dr. Ahir will typically recommend a wisdom tooth extraction if they are…
- Causing persistent pain and soreness toward the back of the mouth
- Placing pressure on the nearby teeth
- Coming in at an odd angle or horizontally
- Forcing the back teeth and bite out of alignment
- Creating a flap in the gums that is trapping food and bacteria
- Developing infections and/or cysts
What to Expect from the Wisdom Teeth Procedure

Dr. Ahir will examine the wisdom teeth as part of a patient’s routine checkup, monitoring them with X-rays. If he sees signs that they will cause any of the symptoms listed above (or if they already are), he will sit down with the patient and discuss a wisdom tooth extraction.
For the treatment itself, there are two types. A simple extraction is for wisdom teeth that have fully erupted—the mouth is numbed before the tooth is gently wiggled so it slips out on its own.
However, if the wisdom teeth are still within the gum and bone tissue, Dr. Ahir will perform a surgical extraction. This involves numbing the mouth and removing any tissue that prevents access to the tooth. This allows him to create a clear path for the extraction.
Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Most patients feel back to normal within a week of the procedure. In that time, their first few days of recovery are the most important.
A patient should NOT drink from a straw, smoke, or engage in any rigorous physical activity in the first 24-48 hours, as this can prevent the formation of a blood clot. This protects the sensitive bone and nerves exposed following an extraction.
It’s also wise to follow a soft food diet initially, mostly consisting of items like (not too hot) soup, yogurt, scrambled eggs, pudding, and basically anything that doesn’t require a lot of chewing.

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