The Truth About 4 Common Gum Disease Myths

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 1:03 pm
Woman pulling down lower lip to show signs of gum disease

No doubt you’ve at least heard about gum disease, but how much do you really know about it? Sadly, there are many common misconceptions about the condition that can stop people from getting the care they need. If you want to keep your smile safe, then it’s important to have all the facts. Below are 4 common gum disease myths and the truth behind each one.

1. Gum Disease is Rare

A big reason why many people aren’t as worried about gum disease as they should be is that they believe that it’s a rare condition. In reality, it’s actually extremely common! Nearly half of all adults who are age 30 or older have some form of gum disease. Many of them don’t even realize it since the condition often develops without causing pain or other obvious symptoms.

2. Bleeding Gums are Normal

While there are in fact multiple reasons why gums might bleed – such as brushing too hard – more often than not it’s usually a sign that you have gum disease. The condition is caused by food and bacteria building up on the teeth and gum tissue, leading to plaque and tartar buildup. This irritates the gums, making them more likely to bleed. If you regularly notice blood whenever you brush or floss, you should call your dentist immediately; chances are you have some form of gum disease.

3. Gum Disease isn’t a Serious Issue

Many people don’t realize just how much of a threat gum disease is to oral and overall health. While the symptoms might seem mild at first, they become much more serious once gum disease reaches its more advanced stages. For example, the tissues holding the teeth in place might start to weaken, and as a result, you could be at risk for tooth loss.

Even worse, the bacteria that cause gum disease could get into your bloodstream and spread to other parts of your body; this could contribute to heart disease and other life-threatening problems. In short, the longer you leave gum disease alone, the worse an impact it can have on your health.

4. Damage from Gum Disease Can’t Be Reversed

If your smile has already been damaged by gum disease, you might think there’s nothing you can do about it. Fortunately, there is! Your dentist can use deep cleaning techniques, antibiotic therapy, and other types of periodontal treatment to get your gum infection under control. And if you’ve already lost teeth, there are multiple ways to replace them once gum disease has been addressed, such as dental implants or bridges.

Is there anything else you would like to know about gum disease? Talk to your dentist at your next appointment to see what they have to say about periodontal health. Make sure that you have all the information you need to keep your grin safe from gum infection.

If you have concerns about gum disease, you can schedule a consultation with our dentists at Prime Dentistry of Denton by visiting his website or calling (940) 514-0333.

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